Me: Better, I wired a mic by the street so we can hear people downstairs." Olive: Couldn't we do the same thing by simply opening the window?" Me: (starts folding laundry...while dreaming up the next intelligence gathering / target acquiring scheme.) #ClownOps
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people tusslin in the FoPo.
Walking by some folks arguing near where the Foster Carts used to be. It was heated. Cops showed up to investigate. As I passed the cop w...
"Did ya get my Email yet? How bout my voice mail? I'm so sorry I blew my top and sent a horrible email to ya, I'm real sorry I ...
{Two women are dressed in party clothes, they look like they were out all night. The makeup is long smeared off and one is missing a wig.} ...
"OH MY GOD! it was such a bitch at your house this morning early." "You came to my house?" "Yeah at shit fuck O Clo...