Thursday, February 21, 2008


carefully transcribed from a bantering madman on the way to Beaverton:
"Dear John muther****er, not yer uncle, the one from the bible, book of revalashins sir...Dear John
the apocalypse didn't happen in 95 like you said, time to wrap it up buddy, bible over!"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Guy on the Max going into pioneer square

Guy on the Max from the Rose Quarter, about to hit Pioneer square, it's about 7:pm.
He spots a brilliantly colored punker boy with a mohawk charged up like an exotic bird.
The man looks at the kid long enough for the kid to get creeped out and says
"So is there a scene in Portland nowadays?"
I remembered myself being that punk type kid, many years ago, getting questioned
and being equally at a loss for words.
"The scene man, the punk scene, I used to be a punk here back in the day, I was wondering if there was still a scene."
"Um... I don't know."
"Oh yeah (the guy looks the kid up and down until I'm actually creeped out) I been in the joint for 15 years, is the xray still around?"
The kid gets big eyed and said 
"The punks like to hang out at the waterfront at thebattleship."
Then the punk got off right away.
So did I.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I saw three dogs on the bus in a month, YAY DOG!

I also saw a guy with at least a 8.5 inch neck from one side to the other, he felt me watching him and covered up before I could actually whip out a ruler.
This one lady near the bus stop had no problem with me gawking and pointing, she let me put a camera in her chest.

On the #15 bus

(A 30 year old man in a suit talking to a teen girl about the marker writing on her jeans)
"Excuse me miss, what does the "F.O.A.D. on you pants mean?"
"Fuck Off And Die."
They both sat in silence the rest of the trip.
This is why I started this blog,
 I hate wasting this kind of stuff.

people tusslin in the FoPo.

 Walking by some folks arguing near where the Foster Carts used to be. It was heated.  Cops showed up to investigate.  As I passed the cop w...